Thursday, 10 January 2013

A new year and back to the Squirrels

January 2013 update.

It's been a long time since I have done a Blog post.  This time, I hope to keep things a little more up to date!

Anyhow, before I get into what I've been up to so far this month, I thought I'd share a few thoughts on 2012.
Last year definitely had it's highs and a number of lows, not least when I was out of action for a number of months due to a back problem. It was last year that made me realise that there are a few photographers out there who will try and give you a bad name and turn others against you.  I guess this happens wherever and whatever you do but their lies and inaccuracies were a catalyst that had fuelled the latter part of the year for me and in hindsight they have helped me move onwards and upwards to new heights!

As for 2012's highlights, well the Wolves, Deer, Foxes and Short Eared Owls all spring to mind with many photographs of each being published.  A good number of new Species had been photographed and business wise, it had been a good year for print sales.  A number of photographs  were also published last year including 3 Wolf images in the UKWCT 2013 Calendar, a number of brochure images and not to forget a nice 3 page article in a local magazine!

Wild Short Eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
Arctic Wolf Cub, UKWCT
Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
So, whats does 2013 hold in store for me?  Well, Mammals are becoming more close to my heart and I hope to photograph a good number of the UK's species over the next year.  I have a few of trips booked, including Mull and other parts of Scotland which will, hopefully, be one of the highlights of the up coming year!
I have updated the web site with some new courses for 2013, and after the great success of last years, I hope this years courses are just as inspiring and productive! 
Business wise, I hope to add a few more stockists, on the Isle of Wight, and further afield.  I hope also, that my online print sales will continue to increase - just as long as I remember to update my website a little more often!
Talking of business, It is a little sad that, today, I hear that Jessops have gone into receivership. It is one of the last surviving photographic stores on the Island and my thoughts are with those who must be concerned about their future employment prospects. Jessops have tried hard over the last few years to keep their prices in line with online stores but that must hit profits hard for them and lets face it, there's no point in running a business if you don't make a profit!

January, and lots of Squirrels!

As I said above, Mammals play a large part in my photography, and none more so than Red Squirrels!  I never tire of photographing these small colourful animals and between the grey showery days that seem to be stuck with us, I have paid a couple of visits with new camera gear to photograph these greatly loved creatures.
Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) on a frosty moss laden old Oak

This style of Red Squirrel photograph has become
 one of my trademark styles of photography over recent years. I love to photograph them in this inquisitive manor!
With the help of a new camera, a Canon EOS 1D Mk iv, the ability to photograph at high ISO in low light has become a lot easier for me over the last couple of weeks.  Most of these images were taken at ISO 1600 or higher and  are still mostly noise free and look great in print!

You've got to love these inquisitive little animals!

Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
 Canon EOS 1D Mk iv, Canon 500mm f/4 L  IS
Manual , 1/400sec, ISO 2000 @ f/5
It's not just Red Squirrels that I've been photographing recently. Jays (Garrulus glandarius) have been quite active in the same location as the Squirrels.  It has been interesting watching them, as they watch the Squirrels hiding their food.  Within minutes the Jays swoop in and pick up the buried foods!

A mischievous Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
 Canon EOS 1D Mk iv, Canon 500mm f/4 L  IS
Manual , 1/250sec, ISO 1600 @ f/5
I shall,as I said earlier, endeavour to keep this Blog, and my web site up to date a little more this year so please make sure to bookmark the site!

  A happy an prosperous year to you all!


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